Rep. Georgene Louis Comments onUpdated Congressional People’s Map

Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, House State Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee Chair and co-sponsor of Senate Bill 1, Representative Georgene Louis (D-Albuquerque) commented on the recent passage of SB 1 out of the Senate Rules Committee:

“I support the Senate’s updates to Map H -- the People’s map -- because it continues the diligent work of the Citizens Redistricting Committee (CRC) which included extensive input from New Mexico's diverse communities, while addressing minority CRC member concerns. This map fairly represents the diverse communities of New Mexico and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate and House on moving this proposal forward.”

Over the course of two months, the CRC gathered input from over 2,000 New Mexicans in the drafting of its recommended maps. The updated Map H continues the CRC’s work by incorporating nearly 90% of the committee’s recommendations.  



The People’s House Map Headed to House Floor


The People’s House Map Passes First Committee