House Passes Legislation to Help Reduce Utility Costs

Santa Fe, N.M. – Legislation to help reduce utility costs for New Mexicans is now headed to the Senate after passing the House today by a vote of 42-25. 

House Bill 91 allows public utilities in the state to implement additional rate structures intended to reduce utility costs for low-income customers. These rate changes could decrease or eliminate balances for customers and allow for them to pay lower amounts more frequently. 

“No one in our state should have to live without running water, electricity, or make impossible choices about which necessities to prioritize,” said lead sponsor Rep. Kristina Ortez (D-Taos). “This legislation will help to ensure essential utilities are within reach for all of our friends and neighbors across New Mexico.” 

HB 91 is also sponsored by Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Albuquerque) and Senate President Pro Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque)

This bill is part of a slate of legislation introduced by House Democrats this session to address the rising cost of living by helping to raise pay and strengthen benefits for working people, protect consumers from corporate greed, and lower the costs of essentials, like housing, utilities, healthcare, and groceries.

A non-comprehensive list of affordability legislation introduced by House Democrats includes: 

  • Raising minimum pay for school staff (HB 201) and workers on publicly-supported projects (HB 6)

  • Stopping employers from taking credit card fees out of the wages of tipped workers (HB 22

  • Establishing a commission to study and make recommendations on how to reduce grocery store prices and improve local supply chain issues (HB 17)

  • Prohibiting grocery and retail stores from using so-called “dynamic” pricing to gouge consumers (HB 285

  • Protecting renters from discrimination and artificial rent increases (HB 43, 98, 215, 339) 

  • Improving healthcare access and price transparency (HB 186, 263)

  • Provide free high school equivalency testing and preparatory services (HB 167)

  • Eliminate unfair pricing by ticket resellers (HB 26)

Members of the public are welcome to attend floor sessions and committee meetings at the New Mexico Roundhouse, and can tune in virtually through the New Mexico Legislature’s Webcasts tab. Public comment can also be provided in-person, and via phone or Zoom as directed on the daily schedule.



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